UK Domestic Abuse Charity Adds Senior Expertise to Board

TLC: Talk, Listen, Change, a nationwide relationships charity, has announced the appointments to the board of its new commercial subsidiary, Now You’re Talking.

ONE of the UK’s leading domestic abuse, separation and counselling charities, TLC: Talk, Listen, Change has added a raft of senior experience to the board of its new commercial operation, Now You’re Talking Therapy.

The new appointees bring a wealth of experience that will help to grow the new subsidiary, providing a reliable income stream to support the charity’s wider work.

Heading the new board will be John Sless, a decorated international consultant who previously served on the board of directors at TLC: Talk, Listen, Change. With over 30 years of management experience across the globe and having had a key role in expanding the charity in the past decade, John has been appointed to lead the growth and development of the new operation.

Joining him on the board as a non-executive director will be Carolyn Blunt, a trustee of TLC: Talk, Listen, Change who has previously founded a selection of successful businesses over the past two decades.

Caroline Osler is also joining Carolyn and John as a non-executive board member, bringing her experience of running her own consultancy business, specialising in creating impactful company strategy, vision and values, and coaching senior executives new into roles, as well as Chief People Officer for two UK airlines where she helped to set up both organisations, scaled for growth, and delivered transformation programmes.

The final new appointment, Nicholas Williams, joins TLC to bring his knowledge and skillset forged with one of the largest financial services organisations in the UK, where he leads teams of engineers developing digital products.

He also holds a university lecturer position where he shares his passion for science and technology with the next generation.

Now You’re Talking Therapy is a paid-for counselling service which will be available for individuals and businesses, with profit generated being fed back into TLC: Talk, Listen, Change to help offer support for domestic abuse, mental health, separation and other issues.

The new venture will offer customers choice, flexibility, and assurance that the support they receive is of the highest quality, by being a part of the TLC group with a 40-year history.

And its remit will include individual therapy, relationship counselling, sex therapy, and children and young people’s counselling.

Now You’re Talking Therapy launches nationally both online and in-person on 1st April 2024.

Michelle Hill, CEO for TLC: Talk, Listen, Change said: “With the launch of our first commercial subsidiary on the horizon, I’m pleased to be welcoming a group of true professionals to the boardroom.

“Now You’re Talking will play a key role in developing a sustainable growth strategy for the wider TLC: Talk, Listen, Change group, supporting our expansion plans with additional revenue streams. Bringing in such a group of highly experienced business leaders is vital for our long-term success, and will be crucial to our mission of supporting every family that needs it across the country

“John, Carolyn, Nicholas and Caroline are an invaluable asset to our business, with John and Carolyn having longstanding ties to TLC and all four bringing a varied wealth of experience and a great vision of how we can grow the Now You’re Talking brand.”

John Sless, Board Chairman for Now You’re Talking said; “Having been involved with TLC and seeing how safe healthy, and happy relationships can benefit everyone, I was delighted to be asked to be the first Chair of Now You’re Talking so we can increase the help to people and communities as a Profit for Purpose company.”

Caroline Osler, Non-Executive Director for Now You’re Talking said: ““I am thrilled to join the new board of Now You’re Talking. It is exciting to be here at the start of the venture and have the opportunity to support the company to grow and I’ve seen firsthand the positive impact, on both individuals and those around them, that the services that we deliver can bring.

“As a profit-for-purpose organisation, there is also the double benefit of both delivering much needed services and supporting TLC; Talk Listen Change to expand their charitable reach. I couldn’t be prouder to join the non-executive team.”

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